november 2022


8th november 2022

The clocks have gone back. Dark evenings. Winter’s on its way.

Where have I put my warm jersey?

The cuckoos have set off for their winter stay in Mali.

The house is very quiet without them.

I’m keeping an eye on the clock for them, while they’re away.

Everything seems to be in order.

But I think I’ll shut their door, to keep the dust out.

And they might not want spiders squatting while they’re gone.

Now I’m really on my own. I’d better keep myself busy.

I’ve been checking the clockwork train.

The engine goes to and fro.

Sometimes it pulls the carriage, and sometimes it pushes it.

As a matter of fact, sometimes it doesn’t go at all. It is very old.

You can see the old-fashioned railway arches under the tracks, with shops in them.

Just as it used to be before Network Rail sold off all the arches.

I got the train out so as to have it ready for when the Baby next visits.

I know it likes trains.

It will love this clockwork one.

But I’d better not waste any more time playing with it now.

I’ve realised since I had The Virus that I don’t have infinite energy, so I’d better not squander it.

And I mustn’t be too ambitious about what I’ll be able to fit into the day.

I think I can do two more things, before I’ll need a nap.

Now that I’m thinking about clockwork, I’d better find the key for my great-grandfather’s pocket watch.

Lopsy cleverly found the watch in my old soap-box. But where did I put the key?

Oh, for goodness sake. I really am getting old and forgetful.

First I couldn’t find the watch that needed the key.

Now I can’t find the key that needs the watch.

I didn’t put it in the bin again, did I?

It got in there once before, through over-zealous tidying.

No, it’s not there now.

I’ll get on with something else, and perhaps I’ll remember where I put it.

A little bit of yoga might stimulate my brain cells.

Oh dear, Georgina’s yoga app doesn’t seem to be working.  

That’s very upsetting.

Can’t I watch dear Georgina any more?

How will I do my yoga?

I’ll try practising the Easy Pose without her.

I don’t feel very motivated, without Georgina’s cheerful encouragement.

I’m not sure that that’s stimulating my brain cells at all.

Without Georgina reminding me how to breathe, my mind has been wandering all over the place.

I thought about poor Ruffy, locked in a cold prison cell.

And about Bimbo, waiting for us all to practise our instruments for his Zoom Ensemble.

I remembered that this jersey seems to need mending.

Do you think it’s moths, or just carelessness?

At any rate, there’s no shortage of tasks to work on.

Bimbo wants Gibbs and Teddy and me to work on a piece of music together.

I’ll ask Ted if he has any ideas. At least that will get the ball rolling.

How lucky they don’t need me to go shopping for them. These days I get tired out before I even get to the shops.

I’ve never thought of watching boxes. Could it be interesting?

I expect Lopsy enjoys watching the Coco Pops.

Oh bother. I forgot to ask Tom about the music.

Well, I’d better find some wool and get started on this jersey.

And then I can have my first nap.