february 2023

planning another journey

12th February 2023

I’m happy to report that Cousin Peter is now fully recovered from his fall.

And he’s also recovered from his stay in hospital.

It is tiring looking after a convalescent.

I’ll miss Peter when he goes, but it will be good to have a rest from constant food and games.

It won’t be as tiring as when I had to do all the cycling.

And while I’m out on my bicycle, I may as well look for Ruffy at the same time.

But if he’s not in any of the official prisons, where can he be?

I telephoned Points and explained why I needed her advice.

Points is wonderful. She’s been taking her soap box to all the picket lines.

I hope I really am going to track Ruffy down.

I’ll take Points’s advice. People who’ve just come out of prison are the very people to know what’s going on inside.

I went to the nearest Approved Premises.

Poor things. Life is very hard when you’ve just got out of prison.

But they gave me some good tips.

A helpful pirate parrot gave me the names of several other unofficial prisons besides the Fairy Prison.

Of course, when a person has been through a very difficult experience, their concentration and ability to think clearly may be impaired.

I met some people who I’m sure would have liked to help, but they were struggling with addictive substances.

One of the bears seemed to be off on some other planet.

But she managed to tell me the names of several friends of hers in other parts of the country who may be able to help me.

I think I have plenty of leads to follow up.

I won’t take a lot of luggage.

I’ll have one more night in my comfortable bed,

and then Peter and I will set off.

I know how to get to the hospital, so that we can give back the bed that we borrowed.

Peter will be able to show me how to get to his house.

But after that, the journey is unknown.

I may be some time.

Or the one before that.