june 2021

I’m not a very good host

I have a visitor here at the moment.

It’s someone that I met at the seaside last year.

I must say, they’re an easy guest.

They seem happy to eat anything I give them.

I made a big pot of soup which lasted a few days.

I used up all the old bits of things in the fridge, and it turned out rather well.

But now we’re back to the condensed milk.

Kimbleton seems quite happy with that.

They spend a lot of time reading, so I’ve managed to catch up on a few things.

I’ve been practising the triangle, and getting back to my Welsh lessons.

Dw i wedi bod yn dysgu Cymraeg am bron i flwyddyn nawr. But I sometimes think I forget as much as I learn.

It goes in one ear and comes out the other.

I’ve also been doing my yoga.

And I’ve continued my search for my great-grandfather’s pocket-watch, which I believe I have the key for.

I looked everywhere I could think of beginning with E and F and G, and got started on H.

No watches of any kind in the hall, or the holdall or the hamper, or my hat cupboard.

I looked in the health-and-beauty area, but it was completely empty. I’d better ask Ruffy to get me some more toothpaste.

Then I thought of the Baby’s hidey-hole in the airing cupboard. I didn’t find the pocket-watch that I was looking for, but I did find a wrist-watch without a strap. The Baby must have hidden it there, the little dickens.

It did love hiding things.

I’d forgotten that some of those pipes get hot.

I’m afraid I didn’t take my caring responsibilities seriously enough. The Baby could have got badly burnt.

That was enough searching for one day. I thought I should catch up with some of my friends.

Kimbleton was still happily reading, so I phoned to ask after Lopsy.

She had some worrying side-effects after her first vaccination.

(She doesn’t seem to think that I’m behaving irresponsibly by having a visitor to stay in the house.)

So we’ve made a plan. I’m going to take Kimbleton to meet up with Jenny in a park over her side of town.

Jenny says she’ll bring something for a picnic.

Most of my food got used up in the soup, so I wasn’t sure what we could take as our contribution.

But Kimbleton has been looking at my jars, and suggests we make popcorn.

We completely forgot that the crucial thing about popcorn is to put a lid on it.

I wish the Baby was here. It would have loved all this mess.

Now that we’ve picked it all up, we’re a bit late for meeting Jenny.

We’d better hurry.

other people’s plans

11th June 2021

Having a visitor in the house is good for me.

I’m tidying up much more than usual.

But with all the conversation, there never seems to be time to get anything else done.

Kimbleton is a seasoned traveller. They’ve told me many a tale about their journeys all over the world and into outer space.

They like looking at my maps.

While they were up there on the map shelf, they got talking to the cuckoos.

I’ve never managed to communicate with the cuckoos, but Kimbleton seems to find it easy. I suppose that’s the advantage of foreign travel.

I asked them to find out whether there’s anything I can do to improve the cuckoos’ living conditions.

That clock seems a bit bleak to me. Not cosy.


I hadn’t thought of Teddy as a party bear.

Anyway, I didn’t like to pour cold water on his hopeful plans, but Ruffy’s been warning me about New Variants.

Apparently the Vaccines Minister says we’ll have to carry on being careful even after the twenty-first.

It’s still a worrying situation for a vulnerable bear.

three parks in a day

21st June 2021

My guest has been getting fidgety again.

They’ve been tapdancing extremely fast on their t’rung.

I think it’s time I took them out on another expedition.

They enjoyed meeting Jenny in her park the other day.

I’ll take them round to meet some more of my friends. Out of doors, because I’m still nervous about going into people’s houses, even though it is allowed now.

We’ll start with Points.

She’s organising a rally of the Red and Green Teddies.

It was to have been enormous, with busloads of teddies and other cuddly red-and-green-thinking people coming together from all over the place.

But the Prime Minister’s Road Map has changed, which is a big disappointment for poor Points.

The rally will have to be a rather limited gathering now. Just thirty delegates representing their different Red and Green branches.

Oh bother. I should be wearing a badge. I’ve been forgetting about my badges, since Um and the Baby went.

I’ll look one out when I get home.

Oh dear. Poor Bimbo.

He doesn’t like people talking while he’s playing.

Perhaps this expedition was a bit too ambitious. Three parks in one day is quite a lot.

It is good to take the weight off my feet.

I don’t think Kimbleton uses the title “mister”, but I’m too tired to worry about that now.

I’ve been having a nice sit on the babies’ blanket, rocking the youngest mouse in its pram.

But I think that was Ellie’s way of telling us that it’s time to go.

I hope Kimbleton won’t mind giving me a lift home.